Advance Search:

Merriam Webster English dictionary provides 21 ways to search any word immediately. These advance search options allows navigating to any targeted keyword without wasting your valuable time. The search feature also shows faster results including with related keywords.

Ultra Fast Results:

Merriam Webster English dictionary shows extra fast exact matching and related keywords without wasting user's valuable time. This will saves time to find words and their meanings in dictionary book that takes too much time for single word. Merriam Webster English dictionary is multiple feature, advance and all in one dictionary that shows you the exactly matching words in seconds.

Related Words:

The related word provides more accessibility to the user with providing additional words in the bottom of targeted word. This feature will improve the abilities and vocabulary of user easily. Related words are listed in alphabetical order to learn advance and professional mode.

Similar Meanings:

Similar meanings are listed under Merriam Webster English dictionary to tell the user about the related meanings of necessary words. Similar meanings will automatically show along with the targeted words. All the similar and related meanings are available as antonyms and synonyms.

Unlimited Data:

Merriam Webster English dictionary has unlimited data including 225000 definitions, 340000 synonyms and antonyms and 21 search options are available for every user. This unlimited data of words does not need any more words because all the keywords are already exists. The unlimited number of data is not available in any other English dictionary.

Alphabetical Order:

Merriam Webster English dictionary has words in alphabetical order to provide more ease and access to the users. This feature provides instant and immediate results to the users. The users can easily access to any necessary word with entering some of starting characters of that word. So Merriam Webster English dictionary can easily pick all the related words in alphabetical order.

Audio Pronunciation:

Merriam-Webster English Dictionary has advance feature for audio pronunciation to improve user's speaking abilities. This feature is available for up to all words and it is available after pressing speaker button and its starts speaking. Voice pronunciation provides help and support for every field of work such as students, teacher, professionals, scientists, business, developers and many others.


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Application Details

Size: 469.43 MB
Version: 11 Edition
License: Trial
Platform: Windows